The Farabaughs Move West - a new page

A while back, we discovered a wonderful family history blog entitled, "The Farabaughs of Cambria County" by Tony Bentivegna. Tony has done a tremendous amount of research into the families of the six Farabaughs (or Fehrenbachers) who immigrated from the Baden-Würtemberg area of present-day Germany to Cambria County, Pennsylvania. One of those six, Michael Farabaugh, was Lorry's 4th great-grandfather and so we contacted Tony to learn more. We also joined the Farabaugh Family History Facebook page that he started:

We discovered that the other Farabaughs mostly stayed in Cambria County and that Michael is the only one who continued further west into Minnesota. Within a decade or so of his death, many of his children and grandchildren had moved into the Dakotas, Montana, Washington, California and even into Western Canada. As a result, information for this branch of the Farabaugh family is more scattered and difficult to locate and to pull together. The online family trees for this branch had a lot of gaps and a few mistakes. 

With a bit of encouragement from Tony, we decided to put together an account to help to fill in some of those gaps. It is posted as a separate page called "The Farabaughs Move West" here on our Histories, Mysteries, and Family Trees site.  To go to it, click on the link above or in the pages section of the Home page in the top left corner. We hope you enjoy it and find it helpful!
