EDMUND ELLIOTT 1776 - 1859 - by Angus G Elliott
EDMUND ELLIOTT of Change Islands
son of Eleanor Elliott of Christchurch, Hants.
b. 14 Apr. 1776 Christchurch, Hants.
d. 27 Jan 1859 Change Islands, NFLD.
After 15 years of research, and the assistance of the late Dr. Keith Mathews of Memorial University, St, Johns, I have come to the conclusion that this Edmund was the illegitimate son of Eleanor, daughter of Richard Elliott of Bure. This Eleanor was eligible at 26 years, but was already married for 2 years to one John Ruk ?. And this would make Edmund the half brother of John Elliott of Westerhead, Change Islands and Twillingate.
Many reasons lead to this conclusion:
- First, he is the only Edmund mentioned in the history of Newfoundland, and as is recorded by Mathews as being from Christchurch.
- Secondly, not accepting this at face value, I began a long and exhausting search of the G.S.I.'s at the Mormon church genealogy library for the areas south of England in the counties of Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Hampshire, and Kent. The name Edmund was found only a dozen times. None of which could fit into this period, or scenario.
- If indeed Edmund is the illegitimate son of the family, he would exist on the fringe of it and not exactly in favor. Safe to say there would not be much to keep him in England, while his cousin John is starting a new life for himself in Newfoundland.
- Still to cover all the angles, if Edmund is the illegitimate son of Eleanor daughter of Edmund and Jane of Burton. The situation would not be any the less embarrassing. And as such would be just as inclined to follow his (uncle) to Newfoundland.
1799 Oct - 1800 Oct: Any purchases on the Slade ledgers for this past year were for a single man, and very little at that. There is also no evidence to support the theory of servitude, and I prefer to think this way. From Oct 1799 to Oct 1800, Edmund would only run up a bill of L17/05/12. However for whatever reason, L14/09/10 of this was to a George Rousell jr. on a John Payton’s, favor of J. Slade & Co. Why??. Edmund's wages for year L17/10/--, and he received L00/04/02 cash. Then he disappeared for the scene until 1806.
Edmund’s period of employment with Slade begins in 10th Oct 1799. This is the end of the season and the fleet would soon sail for England. If he was in Newfoundland during the summer, and if he had arrived with the fleet in the spring, then there would be purchases earlier. But his record speaks of a single man, who is dependent on someone else for subsistence. It would be safe to assume this someone to be George Rowsell jr. who with his father George Rowsell sr. operated a salmon fishing venture in the Notre Dame Bay in 1795. However, Slade is paying Edmond's wages for the complete year. So Rowsell is only feeding him.
George Rowsell was carried on J. Payton’s account, and all moneys were transferred from account to account via merchants, which sometimes lead to confusion. But the fact remains Edmund paid George Rowsell L14/09/10 for something, and that is no small amount of moneys.
Income from wages L 17/10/00
Expenses L02/16/00
Edmund paid George Rowsell L 14/09/10
total L 17/05/10
profit L00/04/02
1800 Oct - 1801 Oct: no record
1801 Oct - 1802 Oct: no record
1802 Oct - 1803 Oct: no record
1803 Oct - 1804 Oct: no record
1804 Oct - 1805 Oct: no record
1805 Oct - 1806 Oct: no record
1806 Oct - 1807 Oct: Edmund, 31 years, makes two entries on the Slade register after a 6-year absence in October, and then disappears again until October 1807. It is likely he is visiting Fogo in October, but from where? He was in the service of Joseph Oake sr, for the sum of L03/14/00 which is a very poor income.
Income from Joseph Oake sr L03/14/00
Expenses L03/08/06
profit L00/05/06 error
1807 Oct - 1808 Oct: Edmund is missing form Nov 2, 1807 to June 2nd 1808, without any explanation.
Here Edmund buys bank lines, and other trolling equipment, so we know he is fishing for a living. Also at the end of the year he sells 30 Qtrs. of fish to Slade, plus a 120 gal train oil. With the surprising L06/17/08, and his catch he realizes an income of L33/07/00 for the year. This covers his expenses, and leaves him L02/00/00 for Christmas. But L13/00/00 of his expenditure is a Sett of exchange No 9 on John Slade, in Edmund's favor. Of course I can only conjecture here on what he is up to, but I expect Edmund has decided to stay and has procured the services of Slade to get his Family to NF., as future purchases will bear evidence. But in the meantime Edmund is absent till Oct. 1811.
Income from fishery L26/09/03
Bal due Edmund L06/17/08
Total L33/07/00
Expenses L18/07/00
Sett of Exchange #9 L13/00/00
Total L31/07/00
Profit L02/00/00
n.b. The balance due Edmund from John Slade indicates that Edmund was employed by him, where ever he was in 1806/07. And now he disappears again until Oct. 1811, 35 years of age.
1808 Oct - 1809 Oct: no record
1809 Oct - 1810 Oct: no record.
1810 Oct - 1811 Oct: no record
1811 Oct - 1812 Oct: Where Edmund has been for the past 3 years is not known, but he is not as dependent on Slade when he returns. He is obviously outfitting a ship of his own for the fishery. And in Oct. 1812 sells his catch to Slade & Co.
Even after such a long absence, Edmund is mysteriously missing again here from Dec 2,1811 to Jun 6th 1812. The period is outside the normal fishing season Apr. - Sept., and it is too short a period for a trip to England and back (12 weeks’ min). And Dec is not a very good departure date for anywhere. Where has he been?
Speculation: In the Notre Dame Bay, I have a rough map of land grants at Burnt Arm South c1900. Shows unrecorded land to E. Elliott. Though it be early, and the rest of the family purchased recorded land grants in same area 80 years later, is it possible Edmund preceded them. Although the population would have been small in the area, industry was developing. Fishing, hunting and lumber. The lumber being a necessary commodity for the Cooper trade, and Fogo was now void of trees.
Some of the purchases for this year include a drawing knife, 2 chisels, and 1" auger, and earlier a small gimblet (hand bit) and 2 whipsaw files. I don’t need much here to lead me to think Edmund is a cooper by profession. This a well-known fact of my ancestry.
Income from fishery L157/13/05
Expenses L150/06/10
Sett of Exchange #38 L006/00/00
Total L156/06/10
Profit L001/06/07
He paid hospitals for two men, so it is assumed that he is employing one man. He pays Benjamin Cave sr. L08/13/00, so he is possibly that one man.
Also there are no purchases for Jan-May of 1812, so is he absent again.
1812 Oct - 1813 Oct: Edmund is again missing off ledgers for Jan & Feb., or at least is not registered as making any purchases. I would like to say all the more power to him, but it is rather unusual for a family to subsist for two months without the help of a merchant.
In this period Edmund purchases 3 gallons of tar, so I expect he has built some sort of residence for himself and family, the tar being used for the roof. Next a jacket of little significance and then a pr bellows. House must accommodate a fireplace. At this time fireplaces were the warmth as well as a source of heat for cooking. Edmund buys 6 dozen pipes which supports my previous theory, of socially sharing clay pipes. He drinks tea as a beverage, with the occasional rum drink. Rum was believed to be a necessity here to relieve the discomforts of the cold when venturing outside. An experienced fisherman would not be caught without his `Calaboge'. Edmund purchased 12 cups & saucers also which indicates a wife and family. Finally at the end of the year (Oct.) he pays J. Slade & Co. L15/--/-- in a `Sett of Exchange # 25 ' for a favor, why?
Edmund’s purchase’s for the year consisted of some rather large orders, such as 127 lbs. butter, 32 gals of molasses, etc. so I assume he is involved in some venture, other than feeding his family. A partnership of Edmund Elliott and Edward Bishop of Change Islands began here.
The source of Edmund's income is L162/--/-- of fish, oil, and blubber. But with all his expenses he will see nothing in cash; in fact he will owe Slade L01/19/07. Still his family did not want for much.
Income from fishery L161/12/06
Expenses L147/12/01
Sett of Exchange #25 L-15/00/00
Total L162/12/01
Profit - L--1/19/07
1813 Oct - 1814 Oct: I don't want to underestimate the curious absenteeism of Edmund each winter, so I state that he is absent here again from Nov. 11th to May 9th. Is he wintering inland? (There is a land grant for an E. Elliott that exsisted before 1885 on the south shore of the Bay of Exploits, near Burnt Arm).
In June, Edmund bought a cow horn, some his children will benefit from the availability of fresh cow's milk. He also purchased a road weight, used to anchor boats. Also 12 pewter plates, and 5 yds. of printed cotton, and a pr. small shoes, reassures me that a family is present. Edmund has a wife, and one small child.
Again at the end of the year Edmund pays Slade L60/--/-- in a `Sett of Exchange # 19' for whatever reason.
Income this year comes from the sale to Slade of 500 gals of seal oil, some skins and fish. to the tune of L244/12/18. Not bad income for this period. With expenses he would take home L36/15/--. I can deny the fact that Edmund is the benefactor of a lucrative business, and to achieve that kind of catch speaks of a large boat, large enough to go seal hunting in the artic, this he does on his own. The Sett of Exchange paid on Edmund's account is the purchase of a boat of considerable size.
Income from fishery L244/12/11
Expenses L147/17/11
Sett of Exchange #19 L060/00/00
Total L207/17/11
Profit L036/15/00
He pays John Oake L01/02/06, for services.
1814 Oct - 1815 Oct: Edmund is absent again here for a few winter months again, and in fact seems to be absent every year at that time. It is unlikely that he just does not make any purchases for 3 and 4 months at a time. Yet it is likely that he takes his family into the interior, or up-the-bay during winter months. And that practice is not uncommon, Fogo and Change Islands being so cold and inhospitable at this time of the year. With purchases of 32 gals of molasses, 65 lbs. of butter, 1 cwt. bread, 6 lbs. of tobacco, he could live anywhere, even on the Labrador coast.
While Edmund is shown here purchasing stuff for his family on his own account, there is ample evidence that he is pursuing fishing in same fashion as before, by the purchase of a `Creeper', 12 1/2 lbs., a net for that purpose. Also 4 St. Peter lines, 1 grapple weight 20 lbs. The bill comes to L150/17/02 against a catch worth L98/16/07, left Edmund in debt to J. Slade & Co. for L15/05/07 etc.
A William Adey is mentioned here by payment of L-1/18/--, assumed to be wages as a crew member.
Income from fishery L098/17/06
Bal due Edmund L036/15/00
Total L135/12/06
Expenses L150/17/02
Profit -L015/05/01
Edmund went from making good profits to major losses beginning in this year, and as of yet I cannot figure out why. He has a successful fishing venture going and is the sole partner. He is the sole owner of a ship or boat for this purpose. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that he was a victim of the poor fishery. 200 qtls. of fish being a saving quota for a trip. A quintal of fish being 100 lbs., and valued at 19 shillings each qtl. Equaling L/195/00/00.
1815 Oct - 1816 Oct: Condition of ledger too poor to copy. But it is clear from the next year Edmund owes Slade L19/03/06. So he is present.
1816 Oct - 1817 Oct: Here it appears that Slade is employing a new clerk.
I must say at this time that Edmund did not follow his usual practice of disappearing for a few winter months this year, or at least no significant amount of time. Edmund is still involved in fishing, and most of his income would result from this venture, the rest from a service provided to the Royal Navy, and Capt. George Orton on the ship "Mary". In providing 8 skiff oars for L--/16/--plus assistance on board for L00/15/00, date 22 May 1817.
Not much else can be said about his account, except to say that he paid hospitals for 2 men for the season. He makes many purchases on his account for the family, including shoes and clothing for boys and girls. Edmund and wife Elizabeth, have more than one child.
Once again income of L162/05/05, could not meet expenses of L193/15/02, and Edmund was in debt again for L31/09/09. Edmund lives high on the hog, but forever in debt, even to die that way.
Income from fishery L141/11/11
* 8 skiff oars L01/11/00
Bal owed Edmund L019/03/06
Total L162/05/08
Expenses L193/15/02
Profit -L031/09/09
* Here Edmund is paid for the making of 8 skiff oars, for the ship "Mary", Captain George Orton. Also he was employed on board the ship for 15 shillings. Likely the need for a cooper. (This could also read ships navy instead of ship "Mary"). Copy of ledger not to clear.
1817 Oct - 1818 Oct: Again absent for winter months.
With this debt carried forward, and the accumulation of L149/--/-- worth in the current year, an income of L118/13/--, would not help the situation much, and a debt of L30/06/-- ensued.
Income from fishery L118/14/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L031/09/09
Expenses L117/10/03
Total L149/00/00
Profit -L030/06/00
1818 Oct - 1819 Oct: Obviously a new clerk is on the job.
Again he is absent for the winter months from Dec - May.
Edmund does not recover from his predicament at the end of this year also. His income seems to have taken a nose dive here, down to L71/16/06, but his expenses remained high, L118/07/03, and again a debt of L46/10/08 follows him into the new year. He pays hospital for one man Scammel, this time and I fear business is suffering. But this could be the product of a poor harvest, for in the next year he has a better catch.
Speculation: Could this be William Scammell, whose son William Thomas married Edmond`s daughter Mildred Amelia in 1849.
Income from fishery L071/16/06
Bal due Slade & Cox L030/06/00
Expenses L088/01/03
Total L118/07/03
Profit - L046/10/08
1819 Oct - 1820 Oct: Edmund is not absent here for the winter months, and he does have a saving voyage in the summer.
Business is indeed better, and Edmund seems to have found a second wind. His catch for the year is L156/16/04. But alas he still cannot meet his expenses of L214/14/00, and Slade still carried a L57/18/01 debt on him. One thing going into business did for Edmund, was to teach him a kind of life style that he could not maintain.
He is still fishing for a living, and has his own boat. He employs one man, a Wells, who feels free to make purchases on Edmund’s account. This was probably common practice for crews and masters. Edmunds growing family is making ever increasing demands on his Income.
Income from fishery L098/17/09
Bal due Slade & Cox L046/10/08
Expenses L168/03/04
Total L214/14/00
Profit -L057/18/04
1820 Oct - 1821 Oct: No absenteeism here as well. The fishing season is bad, bad. But the investment is none the less high, and Edmund is caught in a dilemma.
There are some signs of Edmund doing `Cooper' work here, with the purchase of the tools required such as drawing knife and gimlets, etc. but if so he would not show income from same. What income he earned for the year came as usual from fishing, and only L136/--/-- at that. His expense is L200/12/02, and leaving a debt of L64/12/02 to J. Slade & Co.
We must keep in mind here that Edmund is trying to equip a boat for the seal hunt, and fishing. He is also maintaining a large family, all on one account. It is not unusual to spend L200/00/00 for a voyage of this kind. So the catch must be what they used to call a `saving catch'. Edmund was not achieving this.
Income from fishery L136/10/03
Bal due Slade & Cox L057/18/04
Expenses L142/13/10
Total L200/12/02
Profit -L064/01/11
n.b. Edmunds family at this time consisted of 5 girls, and 1 boy. A rare document compiled in 1823, records 385 baptism in the district if Fogo / Twillingate from 1816 - 1823 by a Rev. Thomas Laugharne, and witnessed by A. Tucker. The following children were baptized to Edmund and Elizabeth Elliott -Amelia, Mary, Eleanor, Richard, Anne, and Patience on August 28, 1821.
Also an adult, Elizabeth Elliott of Change Islands. Quite possibly wife of Edmund. Many adults in this document, which may indicate that she was born in Newfoundland.
1821 Oct - 1822 Oct: Even though the ledgers are a little hard to read here, it is clear that the same pattern prevailed. Edmund would end up in debt again for L65/00/00.
There is no absenteeism in the winter months so whatever he was doing he has ceased to do. He is home with his family at Change Islands; purchases include many items that indicate the steady presence of a wife and children. One curious item was a Scotch Cap purchased in January, just in time for Bobby Burns’s birthday celebrations, on Jan 25th. It supports the theory of Scottish ancestry, even though they come from the south coast of England. According to history that is not so unusual.
A rough estimate of Edmund’s family at this time would be 5 girls, 1 boy. All who were baptized in 1821, according to a rare document by Rev. Thomas Laugharne at Fogo.
Income from fishery L107/09/10
Bal due Slade & Cox L064/01/11
Expenses L108/18/01
Total L173/00/00
Profit -L065/10/02
1822 Oct - 1823 Oct: records missing.
1823 Oct - 1824 Oct: records missing.
1824 Oct - 1825 Oct: records missing.
1825 Oct - 1826 Oct: Again Edmund is missing for a few winter months.
Edmund is still in debt to L80/02/-- at the beginning of the year, and would remain so. His income for the year was L42/12/06, coupled with a Legacy on William Adey’s account for L12/--/-- to make L54/12/06, he could not meet his commitment and remained in debt again for L72/--/--. Wow!
Don't know what to make of this Legacy, but if I may make a conjecture, they could be related through marriage. Edmund could be married to William's daughter Elizabeth Adey. One thing is for certain William Adey, first appeared on the Slade ledgers back in 1795, where he is seen scraping a living out of the fishing, along with John Elliott of Change Island, and William signed his own account. Therefore was not illiterate, not such a stranger.
Amongst the purchases in June 14th, was 1 flushing pea jacket. This is a short double breasted heavy wool coat, worn by sailors. (Flushing could mean red).
Interestingly enough, in August 1826 Edmund purchased a Scotch Cap, (tam). I don't want to dwell on the subject at this time. However with a name like Elliott, there is more than likely a Scottish ancestry. Many names in my own family particularly are of Scottish origin such as Bernice, Angus, etc. Though not conclusive, the tam is the only other real evidence of Scottish ancestry. In a letter from an uncle just before his death, he states on request that his grandfather was an Englishman. And in fact we never considered ourselves anything else while we were growing up in Botwood, Newfoundland. And again any signs of a Scottish accent were not present. There is more than a chance that the movement of the family throughout England from the 14th century on had diminished the accent. Enough.
Income from fishery L042/13/02
* Legacy Wm. Adey L012/00/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L080/02/08
Expenses L040/16/06
Total L120/19/02
Profit -L072/06/00
* William Adey had a salmon operation at Fogo in 1808.
1826 Oct - 1827 Oct: Edmund is missing again here from Dec 12 to Mar 10, and this is the best part of the winter. This is the same practice, but with one difference. He is seen selling otter and fox skins to Slade & Cox on Dec 12, and then in April 20th seals skins and oil. Make what you can of this. Definitely wintering in the interior.
Another year of sealing and fishing again, with a spatter of hunting (fox and otter, etc.). The Island of Fogo, is not large enough or forested enough to support such ventures. It is more commonly practiced up the Bay of Exploits by professional trappers.
With the purchase of woman’s hose and shoes, and many pairs of boy’s shoes, Edmund appears to still have a large family. And still self-employed. In fact, the purchase of 2 pair boy’s shoes on August 7th may indicate 2 boys.
The total proceeds from his employment was L118/--/--, and his expenses L133/12/01, he stayed in debt. But things are looking up. His debt to Slade is only L15/12/01.
Income from fishery L070/06/06
Income from furrier L047/12/09
Total L117/19/03
Bal due Slade & Cox L072/06/08
Expenses L059/07/01
Total L131/13/09
Profit -L015/12/10
1827 Oct - 1828 Oct: Edmund had a bad year in year fishery, yet he managed to toe the line on expenditures. L71/14/04 supported by an income of L50/14/06, still leaves L10/--/-- to be desired.
Purchases include woman's shoes, child's hose, and men's shoes. Edmund also gets paid by George Bishop L06/--/--, as he would again in 1829.
Income from fishery L054/14/06
From George Bishop L06/--/--
Total L060/14/06
Bal due Slade & Cox L015/12/10
Expenses L056/00/08
Total L071/13/06
Profit -L010/19/10
1828 Oct - 1829 Oct: No time missing here in the winter months.
First Edmund buys a second Scotch Cap. Why after all these years, unless they were not available before. He also gets paid by George Bishop L04/--/--. Why?
Income for the year L28/05/02, expenses L68/13/04.Resulting debt to Slade, Cox and Slade L35/17/08.Although Edmund outfitted a ship for the seal industry, his catch was poor.
Income from fishery L024/05/02
Income from seals L004/10/06
From George Bishop L004/00/00
Total L032/15/08
Bal due Slade & Cox L010/19/10
Expenses L057/13/06
Total L068/13/04
Profit -L035/17/08
NB: George Bishop was partner of John Elliott jr of Change Islands, 1812 - 1815.
1829 Oct - 1830 Oct: records missing.
1830 Oct - 1831 Oct: I don't want to blow a hole in the theory of the Elliott’s occasionally spending the winters up the Bay, as indicated by the conspicuous absences from the Slade ledgers in winter months, but here from October 25th to Dec 21st Edmund is missing and then again from Dec 21st to March 5th. The knowledge of the Bay being full of ice from Sept. to May suggests that return to Change Islands may have been difficult if not impossible at that time, so what am I seeing.
The year’s account opens with a balance of L26/09/01 carried forward, so without the ledger we can see a year equaling the previous year. Edmund has been struggling to keep his head above water for some time now. And now in his early fifty’s is not prepared to alleviate his predicament.
He has expenses of L74/08/07, and income of L26/12/09. Guess what? A debt of L36/04/01 to Thomas Slade sr. and Co. This is the same family. It seems that at one time John Slade owned a premises on the north at Fogo, and Thomas Slade owned a premises on the south of the Island at Seldom-Come-By. What is the connection I can't see the two were less than 20 miles apart.
Income from fishery L026/12/09
Income from seals L011/11/09
Total L038/04/06
Bal due Slade & Cox L016/09/01
Expenses L059/19/06
Total L074/08/07
Profit -L036/04/01
1831 Oct - 1832 Oct: The ledgers don't show any purchases for the year, but does show a balance carried forward from the previous year of L36/04/01.There is a meager attempt to pay his bill, with the sale of 2 qtls of fish. But what has happened to Edmund.
Income from fishery L001/01/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L036/04/01
Expenses L000/00/00
Total L036/04/01
Profit -L035/03/01
1832 Oct - 1833 Oct: The ledger again opens with a balance owing of L35/03/01, and no purchases were made throughout the year. Again Edmund attempts to pays his debts with 2qtls of fish. The record for Edmund Elliott would end here. He would die in debt to Thomas Slade sr & Co. for L34/02/01. What happened to the ship? Richard Elliott of Fogo or John Elliott of Fogo, and even John Elliott son of Edmund did not inherit the ship, if the ledgers convey anything. Could she have suffered the same fate as many others of her kind, and retired to a watery grave? She could hardly have been sold, for Edmund never did pay his debt off. Why were there no purchases on his account for the past two years? Whatever his fate, he did leave a wife Elizabeth, and children.
Income from fishery L001/01/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L035/03/01
Expenses L00/00/00
Total L035/03/01
Profit -L034/02/01
1859: - Edmund died 27 January at Change Islands, Newfoundland. age 82 years. He lies at rest at Change Islands.
1815 Oct - 1816 Oct: Condition of ledger too poor to copy. But it is clear from the next year Edmund owes Slade L19/03/06. So he is present.
1816 Oct - 1817 Oct: Here it appears that Slade is employing a new clerk.
I must say at this time that Edmund did not follow his usual practice of disappearing for a few winter months this year, or at least no significant amount of time. Edmund is still involved in fishing, and most of his income would result from this venture, the rest from a service provided to the Royal Navy, and Capt. George Orton on the ship "Mary". In providing 8 skiff oars for L--/16/--plus assistance on board for L00/15/00, date 22 May 1817.
Not much else can be said about his account, except to say that he paid hospitals for 2 men for the season. He makes many purchases on his account for the family, including shoes and clothing for boys and girls. Edmund and wife Elizabeth, have more than one child.
Once again income of L162/05/05, could not meet expenses of L193/15/02, and Edmund was in debt again for L31/09/09. Edmund lives high on the hog, but forever in debt, even to die that way.
Income from fishery L141/11/11
* 8 skiff oars L01/11/00
Bal owed Edmund L019/03/06
Total L162/05/08
Expenses L193/15/02
Profit -L031/09/09
* Here Edmund is paid for the making of 8 skiff oars, for the ship "Mary", Captain George Orton. Also he was employed on board the ship for 15 shillings. Likely the need for a cooper. (This could also read ships navy instead of ship "Mary"). Copy of ledger not to clear.
1817 Oct - 1818 Oct: Again absent for winter months.
With this debt carried forward, and the accumulation of L149/--/-- worth in the current year, an income of L118/13/--, would not help the situation much, and a debt of L30/06/-- ensued.
Income from fishery L118/14/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L031/09/09
Expenses L117/10/03
Total L149/00/00
Profit -L030/06/00
1818 Oct - 1819 Oct: Obviously a new clerk is on the job.
Again he is absent for the winter months from Dec - May.
Edmund does not recover from his predicament at the end of this year also. His income seems to have taken a nose dive here, down to L71/16/06, but his expenses remained high, L118/07/03, and again a debt of L46/10/08 follows him into the new year. He pays hospital for one man Scammel, this time and I fear business is suffering. But this could be the product of a poor harvest, for in the next year he has a better catch.
Speculation: Could this be William Scammell, whose son William Thomas married Edmond`s daughter Mildred Amelia in 1849.
Income from fishery L071/16/06
Bal due Slade & Cox L030/06/00
Expenses L088/01/03
Total L118/07/03
Profit - L046/10/08
1819 Oct - 1820 Oct: Edmund is not absent here for the winter months, and he does have a saving voyage in the summer.
Business is indeed better, and Edmund seems to have found a second wind. His catch for the year is L156/16/04. But alas he still cannot meet his expenses of L214/14/00, and Slade still carried a L57/18/01 debt on him. One thing going into business did for Edmund, was to teach him a kind of life style that he could not maintain.
He is still fishing for a living, and has his own boat. He employs one man, a Wells, who feels free to make purchases on Edmund’s account. This was probably common practice for crews and masters. Edmunds growing family is making ever increasing demands on his Income.
Income from fishery L098/17/09
Bal due Slade & Cox L046/10/08
Expenses L168/03/04
Total L214/14/00
Profit -L057/18/04
1820 Oct - 1821 Oct: No absenteeism here as well. The fishing season is bad, bad. But the investment is none the less high, and Edmund is caught in a dilemma.
There are some signs of Edmund doing `Cooper' work here, with the purchase of the tools required such as drawing knife and gimlets, etc. but if so he would not show income from same. What income he earned for the year came as usual from fishing, and only L136/--/-- at that. His expense is L200/12/02, and leaving a debt of L64/12/02 to J. Slade & Co.
We must keep in mind here that Edmund is trying to equip a boat for the seal hunt, and fishing. He is also maintaining a large family, all on one account. It is not unusual to spend L200/00/00 for a voyage of this kind. So the catch must be what they used to call a `saving catch'. Edmund was not achieving this.
Income from fishery L136/10/03
Bal due Slade & Cox L057/18/04
Expenses L142/13/10
Total L200/12/02
Profit -L064/01/11
n.b. Edmunds family at this time consisted of 5 girls, and 1 boy. A rare document compiled in 1823, records 385 baptism in the district if Fogo / Twillingate from 1816 - 1823 by a Rev. Thomas Laugharne, and witnessed by A. Tucker. The following children were baptized to Edmund and Elizabeth Elliott -Amelia, Mary, Eleanor, Richard, Anne, and Patience on August 28, 1821.
Also an adult, Elizabeth Elliott of Change Islands. Quite possibly wife of Edmund. Many adults in this document, which may indicate that she was born in Newfoundland.
1821 Oct - 1822 Oct: Even though the ledgers are a little hard to read here, it is clear that the same pattern prevailed. Edmund would end up in debt again for L65/00/00.
There is no absenteeism in the winter months so whatever he was doing he has ceased to do. He is home with his family at Change Islands; purchases include many items that indicate the steady presence of a wife and children. One curious item was a Scotch Cap purchased in January, just in time for Bobby Burns’s birthday celebrations, on Jan 25th. It supports the theory of Scottish ancestry, even though they come from the south coast of England. According to history that is not so unusual.
A rough estimate of Edmund’s family at this time would be 5 girls, 1 boy. All who were baptized in 1821, according to a rare document by Rev. Thomas Laugharne at Fogo.
Income from fishery L107/09/10
Bal due Slade & Cox L064/01/11
Expenses L108/18/01
Total L173/00/00
Profit -L065/10/02
1822 Oct - 1823 Oct: records missing.
1823 Oct - 1824 Oct: records missing.
1824 Oct - 1825 Oct: records missing.
1825 Oct - 1826 Oct: Again Edmund is missing for a few winter months.
Edmund is still in debt to L80/02/-- at the beginning of the year, and would remain so. His income for the year was L42/12/06, coupled with a Legacy on William Adey’s account for L12/--/-- to make L54/12/06, he could not meet his commitment and remained in debt again for L72/--/--. Wow!
Don't know what to make of this Legacy, but if I may make a conjecture, they could be related through marriage. Edmund could be married to William's daughter Elizabeth Adey. One thing is for certain William Adey, first appeared on the Slade ledgers back in 1795, where he is seen scraping a living out of the fishing, along with John Elliott of Change Island, and William signed his own account. Therefore was not illiterate, not such a stranger.
Amongst the purchases in June 14th, was 1 flushing pea jacket. This is a short double breasted heavy wool coat, worn by sailors. (Flushing could mean red).
Interestingly enough, in August 1826 Edmund purchased a Scotch Cap, (tam). I don't want to dwell on the subject at this time. However with a name like Elliott, there is more than likely a Scottish ancestry. Many names in my own family particularly are of Scottish origin such as Bernice, Angus, etc. Though not conclusive, the tam is the only other real evidence of Scottish ancestry. In a letter from an uncle just before his death, he states on request that his grandfather was an Englishman. And in fact we never considered ourselves anything else while we were growing up in Botwood, Newfoundland. And again any signs of a Scottish accent were not present. There is more than a chance that the movement of the family throughout England from the 14th century on had diminished the accent. Enough.
Income from fishery L042/13/02
* Legacy Wm. Adey L012/00/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L080/02/08
Expenses L040/16/06
Total L120/19/02
Profit -L072/06/00
* William Adey had a salmon operation at Fogo in 1808.
1826 Oct - 1827 Oct: Edmund is missing again here from Dec 12 to Mar 10, and this is the best part of the winter. This is the same practice, but with one difference. He is seen selling otter and fox skins to Slade & Cox on Dec 12, and then in April 20th seals skins and oil. Make what you can of this. Definitely wintering in the interior.
Another year of sealing and fishing again, with a spatter of hunting (fox and otter, etc.). The Island of Fogo, is not large enough or forested enough to support such ventures. It is more commonly practiced up the Bay of Exploits by professional trappers.
With the purchase of woman’s hose and shoes, and many pairs of boy’s shoes, Edmund appears to still have a large family. And still self-employed. In fact, the purchase of 2 pair boy’s shoes on August 7th may indicate 2 boys.
The total proceeds from his employment was L118/--/--, and his expenses L133/12/01, he stayed in debt. But things are looking up. His debt to Slade is only L15/12/01.
Income from fishery L070/06/06
Income from furrier L047/12/09
Total L117/19/03
Bal due Slade & Cox L072/06/08
Expenses L059/07/01
Total L131/13/09
Profit -L015/12/10
1827 Oct - 1828 Oct: Edmund had a bad year in year fishery, yet he managed to toe the line on expenditures. L71/14/04 supported by an income of L50/14/06, still leaves L10/--/-- to be desired.
Purchases include woman's shoes, child's hose, and men's shoes. Edmund also gets paid by George Bishop L06/--/--, as he would again in 1829.
Income from fishery L054/14/06
From George Bishop L06/--/--
Total L060/14/06
Bal due Slade & Cox L015/12/10
Expenses L056/00/08
Total L071/13/06
Profit -L010/19/10
1828 Oct - 1829 Oct: No time missing here in the winter months.
First Edmund buys a second Scotch Cap. Why after all these years, unless they were not available before. He also gets paid by George Bishop L04/--/--. Why?
Income for the year L28/05/02, expenses L68/13/04.Resulting debt to Slade, Cox and Slade L35/17/08.Although Edmund outfitted a ship for the seal industry, his catch was poor.
Income from fishery L024/05/02
Income from seals L004/10/06
From George Bishop L004/00/00
Total L032/15/08
Bal due Slade & Cox L010/19/10
Expenses L057/13/06
Total L068/13/04
Profit -L035/17/08
NB: George Bishop was partner of John Elliott jr of Change Islands, 1812 - 1815.
1829 Oct - 1830 Oct: records missing.
1830 Oct - 1831 Oct: I don't want to blow a hole in the theory of the Elliott’s occasionally spending the winters up the Bay, as indicated by the conspicuous absences from the Slade ledgers in winter months, but here from October 25th to Dec 21st Edmund is missing and then again from Dec 21st to March 5th. The knowledge of the Bay being full of ice from Sept. to May suggests that return to Change Islands may have been difficult if not impossible at that time, so what am I seeing.
The year’s account opens with a balance of L26/09/01 carried forward, so without the ledger we can see a year equaling the previous year. Edmund has been struggling to keep his head above water for some time now. And now in his early fifty’s is not prepared to alleviate his predicament.
He has expenses of L74/08/07, and income of L26/12/09. Guess what? A debt of L36/04/01 to Thomas Slade sr. and Co. This is the same family. It seems that at one time John Slade owned a premises on the north at Fogo, and Thomas Slade owned a premises on the south of the Island at Seldom-Come-By. What is the connection I can't see the two were less than 20 miles apart.
Income from fishery L026/12/09
Income from seals L011/11/09
Total L038/04/06
Bal due Slade & Cox L016/09/01
Expenses L059/19/06
Total L074/08/07
Profit -L036/04/01
1831 Oct - 1832 Oct: The ledgers don't show any purchases for the year, but does show a balance carried forward from the previous year of L36/04/01.There is a meager attempt to pay his bill, with the sale of 2 qtls of fish. But what has happened to Edmund.
Income from fishery L001/01/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L036/04/01
Expenses L000/00/00
Total L036/04/01
Profit -L035/03/01
1832 Oct - 1833 Oct: The ledger again opens with a balance owing of L35/03/01, and no purchases were made throughout the year. Again Edmund attempts to pays his debts with 2qtls of fish. The record for Edmund Elliott would end here. He would die in debt to Thomas Slade sr & Co. for L34/02/01. What happened to the ship? Richard Elliott of Fogo or John Elliott of Fogo, and even John Elliott son of Edmund did not inherit the ship, if the ledgers convey anything. Could she have suffered the same fate as many others of her kind, and retired to a watery grave? She could hardly have been sold, for Edmund never did pay his debt off. Why were there no purchases on his account for the past two years? Whatever his fate, he did leave a wife Elizabeth, and children.
Income from fishery L001/01/00
Bal due Slade & Cox L035/03/01
Expenses L00/00/00
Total L035/03/01
Profit -L034/02/01
1859: - Edmund died 27 January at Change Islands, Newfoundland. age 82 years. He lies at rest at Change Islands.
PREVIOUS: RICHARD ELLIOTT 1793 - 1871 (Son of John)
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