The First Elliott in Newfoundland: JOHN ELLIOTT 1745 - 1836 - by Angus G Elliott
Son of Richard Elliott & Eleanor Durndell of Christchurch, Hants.
b. 25 Jan 1745/46 Christchurch, Hants.
d. 15 Aug. 1836 Christchurch, Hants.
m. 13 Jan 1771 Christchurch, Hants to Elizabeth Holloway
by Angus Gordon Elliott
(My previous introduction explains how John Elliott sr. arrived in Newfoundland in the first place and provides an explanation of the how I obtained the evidence below.)
The Evidence
John Elliott sr. was, I believe, a member of the crew on one of the ships, in the seasonal fishery fleet, outfitted and owned by John Slade, merchant of Poole, Dorset, England. According to the Slade ledgers, he arrived in the spring of 1786, to fish off the shores of Fogo and Twillingate for the season, hoping to return to England and his family in October. If the season was successful this would happen, and John and his family would enjoy a pleasant winter and Christmas. However, a bad catch or season would result in his being indentured to pay off the debts incurred in the passage and living expenses at Newfoundland. As luck would have it, such became John's predicament, and he was forced to spent two summers and one winter as a servant to John Slade and his establishment in Fogo, Newfoundland.1787 Mar (Poole, England): John Elliott is seen purchasing, 1 chest, 1 set of bedding, on Mar 22, and then no purchases again until May 20th. Also at the same time a James Baker is doing exact same, with one minor exception: his next purchase is on May 22nd, two days later.
- The 1 chest represents a sea chest and John and James Baker are preparing for a voyage on Mar 22nd, and have not yet left Poole, England. The fact that there were no purchases until May 20th. Indicates they were at sea from Mar 22nd until May 20th; 6 weeks. This is the average time for a crossing at this period of sail, in small vessels of 50 to 100 tons.
- March - May is normal time for a fishing fleet to leave. Further, Slade states that both are indentured for 2S1W, which means 2 summers and 1 winter, or until fall 1788. So, it appears that John Elliott and James Baker both arrived in Fogo, Newfoundland in May 1787, and were presently employed paying off passage.
- There are other similarities as well. On August 11th & 12th, John and James Baker each paid William Summers for 2 days diet and lodgings, and 4 days diet and lodgings consecutively. So they seem to be taking leave or at least a break from the fishery.
- There are no purchases of food stuffs, so they are otherwise being fed on ship.
- The brig "Hazzard" was shown in June 1787 as loading up on provisions for a return trip to Poole, England. A history of Poole, also records the return of the "Hazzard" and the "George", from Newfoundland in Dec. 1786. So it is likely that John was a passenger on one of these ships. Also in Sept. 1787, we see the "Fame" loading provisions for a return trip. That leaves three choices as the ship he may have arrived on. I can't help thinking somewhere in England; there are records on the ships of the family Slade of Poole. The Slade family had many more ships plying the waters at this time. But still, March is unusually early for any ship to arrive. It is more than likely the departure date. The 'History of Poole’, speaks of 18 ships headed for Newfoundland in 1788. However, the Slade were not the only merchant operating in Newfoundland at this time.
- Whatever the circumstances, John is in Newfoundland, as a servant to John Slade of Poole in 1787.
1787 Oct - 1788 Oct: John is absent for Jan and Feb of 1788. In fact, from Dec 8th 1787 to Mar 5th 1788, a period of 12 weeks in all. Could John Slade have allowed him to return to England, before his debt is paid? And if so, John would further enslave himself with a second and third passage, at L6 a shot.
- Now as of Dec 8th John already owed Slade L20/00/00, and by October 1788 he would owe L29/00/08. Even though his wages for 2 summers and 1 winter would equal L14/00/00, he would have no chance of clearing this debt. So it continues to grow. Even at that he was missing for 3 months in the winter.
- John has the occasion to visit a Dr. Statebury in Sept. 21 1787, at a cost of L00/3/6., coincidentally he also purchased a knife on the same day. He purchased throughout the year such items as Owl razor blades, shoes etc.
- The brig "Fame " is tied up at the dock, getting ready to sail to the Mediterranean, with its belly full of fish. She was one of the two sack ships registered for Fogo area for 1787. The other was the "Hazzard" which made three trips in June, Sept., and Oct. back to England in 1787. The "Fame" made two: Sept., and October. And John stayed?
- John most likely fished from early May to late October, for Slade. Then in winter months would spend his time repairing stages and sheds etc. He engaged in some rum drinking and the smoking of tobacco from clay pipes. He cared enough about his appearance to shave regularly.
- Interesting, the clay pipes were purchased by the dozen, or half-dozen and at first I was at a loss to figure out what they were. The custom in those days were to offer each of your guests a pipe after dinner, much like passing out cigarettes today. They were actually made of clay and as such were disposed of after they burnt out.
- From Sept. 19th to Oct 13th, 1790 John is gone again. Without the usual continuity of records, the debt being acquitted, it is hard to be certain that this is the same John, but it is a good probability. At the end of October 1791, wages of L13/00/00 couldn't meet expenses and again he owes Slade L00/15/00. Again Slade forgives this minor sum, in favor of a new agreement.
- This year (although the last of John's servitude) passed uneventfully, except for one minor incident. A court record for that period showed a John fined for drunkenness and contempt, at the northern surrogate court. This however was not the habit.
- Then in October 1790, a John Elliott is back on the Slade ledgers. I would be willing to bet that it is the same; for there is no passage to pay off and no servitude. Besides, we are talking about a population of approx. 300 people. It is likely John's new agreement is his future employment.
- “A room” in this case refers to a fishing establishment somewhere on the coast, owned by Slade & Co. and where John is employed as caretaker. There would be storage sheds, and fish flakes to repair. A “fish flake” is a platform built on poles and spread with boughs for drying cod. There would not be much else, and John would have to build new accommodations for himself. He would be required to take a boat to Fogo to purchase goods, and he would be expected to fish the waters as well, delivering all his catch to Merchant John Slade.
- Two things substantiate the claim that Slade has employed John at Twillingate. First the purchase of a Map to the NW. on the ledgers for Oct. 22 1791, and the 2nd: occurrences of brandy purchases at Twillingate in May 1792, which shows his presence there in May.
- In the next 3 years John would pay Slade (L5, L7, and L4) in three separate Settlement of Exchanges for a total of L16/00/00, and then appear to be sailing the coast in a ship of his own.
- The purchase of a Map in Oct. 1791, a gun on June 1794, and again brandy at Twillingate in Oct. 1793, suggests a pattern. Also the sale in future of seals skins and oil suggests he is engaged in a venture of his own choosing, other than fishing.
- In this year John Slade also forms a partnership with one William Cox, to become Slade & Cox.
- In Oct. we see John Hayter Slade jr. takes over operation, and does not honor his father’s agreements, for we see that the debt of L00/17/03 is back on the books. We also see John Elliott signing a new Settlement of Exchange on J. Slade & Cox, for L7/00/00. This is the second of three, why? John also receives L00/4/00 for a year’s efforts, and in the future Slade has decided to only employ him in the summer. John will have to find a second form of employment; possibly fishing for himself.
- If the future employment and purchases are any indication, I would venture to say John has bought a boat and outfitted it to become a planter (a boat owner) and an employer in his own right. Slade is only employing him in the summer, as we will see in 1793. My point being that such an expense could have been the Settlement of Exchanges on Slade & Cox.
- John appears to be absent for the period of Nov. 22nd 1793 to Mar 2 1794. Why? Elizabeth has given birth to son Richard in June 1973, at Christchurch, Hants.
- This is the first year that John augmented his income with that of the seal industry. The seal fishing (15 Mar to 15 May) precedes the fishing period of June 15 to Sept. 15, when John is employed by Slade & Cox. This year John is in St. Johns on the 18 Sept. It is quite likely that Slade has taken to delivering his catch to St. John’s where a second merchant will buy it and ship it to market. This is done at this time because of the war with France. The fleet is given a convoy escort from St. John’s to Poole. In fact the British government forbade any shipping except by escort. The price of fish fell as a consequence. It is recorded that no sack ships visited the colonies either at this time, and supplies were short. John is dealing directly with merchant Hart & Eppes, of St. John’s, so they are the most likely buyers of the Slade catch.
- While at St. John’s, John Elliott received cash sums of L0011/06 August 15, and L00/9/00 September 18 from Hart & Eppes, which is credited to his account with Slade at Fogo. This method of interaction purchases and credit on other merchants was also common practice as well. At times even servants were bartered between merchants.
- Records of sack ship activity and passenger lists, etc., taken from reports on the fishery at this period make 1795 the most favorable time for a wife’s arrival. If indeed she did arrive. The small child is hard to explain. Assuming it to be less than 10 years (small child), John has been in Change Islands from 1786 to 1796. Still the child could be more than 10 years. And still again the child may not be John’s. Still again the occasional return of John to England is not entirely ruled out.
- With the purchase of a shawl just before Christmas: the wife is verified, and John has a family.
- On his own account John purchases 1 pr. boys shoes, and the riddle is solved. The child has become a boy (Michael?). Since there were no family before 1796, I can only assume the wife arrived 1795, with a boy that must have been born before John Elliott left for Newfoundland in 1786. John and Elizabeth of Christchurch would have the following children, Ann Holloway 17 yrs., Michael 14, Sarah 13, John 11, William 9, Benjamin 6, Richard 2, and a new baby in 1795.
1798 Oct - 1799 Oct: Missing records.
1799 Oct- 1800 Oct: Although there is evidence of the partnership of Elliott and Hellier since 1797, this is the first real season for them, which resulted in L125/5/7 profit, of which L45/10/5 went to a Thomas Riggs: reason unknown.
- John used his credit to finance a herring and salmon operation, a very valued industry at this time, with salmon paying a much better price than cod. He also made other purchases on the joint account, which is a very bad practice for a business. John received L27/6/5 as his share of the profit, while Edward Hellier received L52/8/9. I am even more confused.
- There was a purchase of 1 pr large boy’s shoes, and 1 pair child’s shoes in August 1800. Plus much salt, commonly used to cure fish on the flakes. This comes as no surprise since the sale of 80 qtls of fish at the end of the years supports the claim that John is primarily a fisherman.
- John is paid L05/00/00 for care of the room at Twillingate. His presence would have been there if he could make a wage there. Edward Hellier may have also been paid L05/00/00 on his own personal ledger.
- There is no ledger on the partnership of Elliott & Hellier until 1801 Oct. However in this year reference is made to monies owed John via their account as of their old account book for L05/01/04, so it is evident that the partnership is older by one year. 1797 is more accurate as to it formation.
- John is absent in this period for Nov., Dec, Jan. Why?
- What is the connection between John Elliott and Thomas Riggs? Why was he paid L45/10/05
1801 Oct - 1802 Oct: In this year there is an account on Elliott and Hellier with Slade, but still John Elliott ran up a balance of L112/17/2 and eventually realizing only L81/14/10 which was equal to 1/4 as his share of the business profit in 1801 October, he was barely able to it payoff.
- I believe that in 1800 John and Edward Hellier bought a ship for sealing fishery and herring fishing. Why John's account is being used as a bank roll for their venture is beyond me to understand. Members of the crew, Wm. Harris, Robert Irish, and Robert Brake.
- John purchased 1 pr large boys shoes again here in June 1802.
Balance due John L31/02/03
Total L112/17/02
Expenses L89/12/10
Sett of Exchange L23/00/00
Profit L00/04/04
Sett of Exchange L23/00/00
Profit L00/04/04
1802 Oct - 1803 Oct: No record of account for Elliott and Hellier for this period.
Balance due John L00/04/04
Total L50/16/01
Expenses L45/16/01
Sett of Exchange #21 L05/00/00
Profit L05/13/00
1803 Oct - 1804 Oct: John Elliott is still fishing and seal hunting, with one difference: in October there was a 'Settlement of Exchange # 23', on John Slade & Co. for L23/00/00. Now this is not the first of these settlement of exchanges, which is still a mystery to me, although it appears that John is making deals with Slade, involving a lot of money. One year’s income. He purchased 1 pr woman’s shoes, 10 April 1804.
- John's personal account is not used this year to provision ship and crew. Purchased 1 pr boy’s shoes, (john 18, Wm 16, Ben 13, Rich 9). He also buys a 3 ft. grindstone here used to sharpen tools. There was another Sett of Exchange #21 on Slade again for L05/00/00.
Balance due John L00/04/04
Total L50/16/01
Expenses L45/16/01
Sett of Exchange #21 L05/00/00
Profit L05/13/00
1803 Oct - 1804 Oct: John Elliott is still fishing and seal hunting, with one difference: in October there was a 'Settlement of Exchange # 23', on John Slade & Co. for L23/00/00. Now this is not the first of these settlement of exchanges, which is still a mystery to me, although it appears that John is making deals with Slade, involving a lot of money. One year’s income. He purchased 1 pr woman’s shoes, 10 April 1804.
- He also purchases 25 gun flints and powder on two occasions. He is possibly thinking of hunting game for furs. Or is using a gun in the seal industry.
- John Elliott and Edward Hellier still in business clearing L96/12/5 1/4 each for 1803/1804.They also employed 4 men at this time, as calculated by the number of hospitals bought. I can say very little about these “hospital”s, except it appears to be an annual medical package purchased for each person. (Could this be a forerunner to the present day Medicare plans?) Two of these men were John Farwell and George Winsor. John and Edward Hellier are still renting a room (fishing area) from Slade in Twillingate for L00/1/00, annually.
Expenses by Partnership L66/13/07
Profit L193/04/10
Income for fishery L96/12/05
Income misc. L01/03/06
Total L97/15/11
Expenses L73/01/07
Sett of Exchange #23 L23/00/00
Total L96/01/07
Profit L01/14/04
1804 Oct - 1805 Oct: John's year with Elliott and Hellier realized a profit of L80/10/6 =1/4 each. Here he is paying half the rent on the fishing room at Twillingate. I believe that John is now living in Twillingate, instead of Change Islands where he started out. In fact, he may have moved there in 1797. It is difficult to say, while reading between the lines. Purchases include 1 pr small shoes, 1 pr boy’s shoes, 12 cups & saucers, 1 pr men’s shoes. (Children Joshua 9, Richard 11, Benj 15, William 18.)
Income from partnership L214/18/04
Expenses for partnership L53/17/04
Profit L161/01/00
Income from fishery L80/10/06
Income misc. L01/18/04
Total L82/08/11
Expenses L83/03/11
Profit L00/15/00
- Elliott and Hellier still employing 4 men; Waterman, and Harry Miller among them, but John's personal account is still bearing the large cost of their venture.
- In this year John has another 'Settlement of Exchange # 76', on John Slade & Co. for L14/00/00. He received L80/10/1 3/4 from his business with Hellier, resulting in a net gain for the year of L00/9/00, after expenses. Purchases 1 pr small shoes. Children Joshua 10, Richard 12, Benj 16.
Income from partnership L218/08/02
Expenses from partnership L057/09/09
Profit L161/18/03
Income from fishery L80/19/01
Income misc. L00/03/06
Total L81/02/07
Expenses L66/11/01
Sett of Exchange #76 L14/00/00
Total L80/11/01
Profit L00/09/06
1807 Oct - 1808 Oct: John ends up in debt to Slade for L2/18/8, but appears to be building a new house. possibly at Twillingate, of bricks and wood. Profits from fishing venture yield only L67/12/10 =3/4 this year, not so good. Purchase 1 pr small shoes, 1 pr boy’s shoes. (Children Joshua 12, Richard 14, Benj 18.)
- A certain William Harris, returned to England on the "Stanley", October 26 1808.
Expenses from partnership L028/02/00
Profit L135/05/09
Income from fishery L67/12/10
Income misc. L03/04/00
Balance due John L00/15/08
Total L71/12/06
Expenses L74/11/03
Profit L02/18/08
1808 Oct - 1809 Oct: missing records.
- Although Dr. Keith Mathews of the Memorial University at St. Johns, Newfoundland, shows transaction for L152/6/7 with Slade for 1809/10. These are war years for England and much piracy is on the high seas. Today July 2000 these pages are misplaced.
1810 Oct - 1811 Oct: missing records.
1811 Oct - 1812 Oct: John is back on the books, still provisioning for fishing and sealing. It appears John is building a brick house in Twillingate, or at least a chimney. This is based on the purchase of 2 tons of old brick, October 22 1811.
- There appears to be no record of the Elliott & Hellier partnership for this period. In fact I have no evidence that it even continued past Oct. 1808.
- On this personal record of John realizes L254/09/07 for his venture in fishing; however he would only receive L09/17/04 in cash after a `Sett of Exchange '#48 for L07/00/00.
Expenses L214/12/03
Payment to JN Mcdaniel L17/00/00
Payment to Josh Knapp L06/00/00
Sett of Exchange #48 L07/00/00
Total L244/12/03
Profit L09/17/04
1812 Oct - 1813 Oct: The record shows the balance owed John Elliott carried forward to next ledger. A Bank couldn't have it so good. I guess John would rather have the credit, than have to worry about money lying around the house. He is still engaged in the fishery and is maintaining a fishing room, rented from Slade at 1 shilling.
- In Oct. 1812 there seems to be preparations for some big event going on. He purchased amongst other things 2 fancy waistcoats, 2 pr men’s shoes, 2 pr large boy’s shoes on Oct. 29th indicating two sons, and also 1 pr boys shoes, possibly three sons. (children Joshua 17, Richard 18, Benjamin 22). He bought 12 cotton shirts Oct. 29th as well. Nov 26th he purchased 12 lincy waistcoats and 3 boys’ waistcoats. Then again in August 1 pr large boy’s shoes, 4 pr woman’s hose, 3 cotton gowns. Tell me nothing’s going on.
- On November a Thomas Burton arrived at Twillingate , compliments of John Elliott and his account, at a cost of L06/06/00, also L12/16/06 to Thomas Burton worth of purchases, on John's account. Who is this Thomas Burton? John also purchased two rings on November 13th 1813, Christmas or Wedding. Did John import a groom for one of his daughters?
- Also in June, interestingly enough he purchased 3 spades, why?
- John purchased: 1 girl’s frock, 2 straw bonnets, 2 Guernsey frocks in June, and then in October 2 more Guernsey frocks, and 1 pr sm shoes. His family seems to consist of 2 or three boys, plus 2 or 3 girls. He has no small girls.
- There is another 'Settlement of Exchange # 31' on John Slade & Co. again for L40/00/00, a considerable sum, yet he clears L55/18/4 in his pocket. John seems to be enjoying a measure of success at this stage.
Income from fishery L311/12/04
Expenses L215/14/00
Sett of Exchange #31 L040/00/00
Total L255/14/00
Profit L055/18/04
Expenses L215/14/00
Sett of Exchange #31 L040/00/00
Total L255/14/00
Profit L055/18/04
1814 Oct - 1815 Oct: On October 20 1814, John purchased 1 anchor of 89 lbs. No small boat, in consideration.
- On November 25 he purchased 1 pr men’s shoes and again on Dec 4th: 2 pair men’s shoes, and then again on Dec 21 1 pair men’s shoes. Dec 26: a pair boy’s shoes. Jun 24: 1 pair boy’s shoes, and still again 1 pair boy’s shoes Aug. 29. There is not much doubt that John had a large family, and fully grown at that. He also buys a shawl, so he has a wife still. He would be 69 years of age now, and his wife 64 years. (children are all grown up). Yet he is still buying boys shoes on at least 3 occasions throughout the year. The youngest son Joshua, from Christchurch records would be 19 years at this time.
- The purchase of 10 lbs. of oakum in Nov. 1814, and again 3 lbs. of oakum in May 1815, suggests there is some boat /building or mending going on.
- There was another `Sett of Exchange' #27 on Slade for L35/00/00. Wow! what is he up to?
Expenses L181/05/06
Sett of Exchange #27 L035/00/00
Total L216/05/06
Profit L001/03/02
1815 Oct: This year John felt compelled to pay the rent on John Compton's room to Slade, why? Is there any relation. Here again he purchases 1 pair men’s shoes.
- Each of these summaries of the year covers from Nov. 1 to Oct. 30 of the next year.
- Whether John no longer needs the business with John Slade, or changed merchants is not certain, but there are no more transaction on the Slade ledgers after October 21 1815 when John's bill was L217/8/8, and after expenses he received L1/3/2 1/4 cash.
- What happened to John of Letterhead, Twillingate, and then Change Islands? and finally Twillingate, at this time is not certain. But in 1821, a John Elliott and Anne of Twillingate, were proud parents at the baptism of their son Abraham, officiating was Rev. T. Laugharne, and witnessed by Alex. Tucker. At approx. 70 years of age, it is doubtful that Abraham is the son of this John anyway. And in any case John sr's wife was Elizabeth (nee Holloway). While the John of the Laugharne document was married to an Anne. There was also on this same document a second baptism of a dau Sarah to one John Elliott of Twillingate, planter and wife Sarah, 1820. One of these Johns could be the son of John sr, supposedly of Change Islands. Still any more speculation is futile. Sometimes John's appear to grow on trees.
- It is interesting that in 1812 another John Elliott, makes an appearance on the Slade Ledgers at Change Islands, just 20 miles away from Twillingate, and the former base of operation for John sr. Could this be a son of John sr.?
- Still on 27 Sept. 1827 at Twillingate circuit court, appearing as jury foreman in the trial of Thomas Colborne vers John Gilliot, was a John Elliott sr. Accompanying him on the jury was his old friend and partner Edward Hellier, and John Compton. This really gives continuity to the whole story and proves that old soldiers never die. John is still around in 1827. The "sr." bears evidence that there is a John jr. in Twillingate. (or possibly in Change Islands).
- John sr. now 82 years, may have been inclined to return to Christchurch, and I strongly suggest he did to be with his wife Elizabeth (nee Holloway) who died 1822 and is buried at Christchurch age 72 yrs. If this is so, he would die there in 1836 at 90 years of age. It was common practice to return to England to die at that time, and Fogo or Twillingate Islands were not hospitable sites to lay them to rest in anyway.
John Elliott of Christchurch
son of Richard & Eleanor Durndell
- This John is recorded by Dr. Keith Mathews in the History of the Newfoundland Fishery, and he even records all baptisms of the children. If he is the John Elliott of Fogo, Nfld. in 1786, then Benjamin, Richard, and Joshua were born in Nfld. and recorded in the Christchurch records, or as is more commonly believed that John was able to return to England occasionally until he decided to stay in Nfld in 1795.
- This John was mentioned in his Grandfathers will of 1755.
- John of Newfoundland practiced the cooper trade, as did Richard and Edmund there. There is a record of an apprenticeship of a John Elliott to one William Hookey of Christchurch in 1771, when John would have been 26 years of age.
- The record on the baptism of Richard (05 Jun 1793 per K. Mathews) was difficult to find in the film # 1041289 at the Mormon church library (being the original document of parish records). After a search of the second and third time it was discovered almost obscured by the careless scribbling of some previous researcher. It is surprising that Dr. Keith Mathews had this information, and indeed if he had not I would not have been so diligent. I suspect Mathews used other sources, possibly the Bishop's Transcripts for the area.
- If there is any connection between this family and Sherbourne, then another child may fit in to this family. That of a William son to John Elliott, born 08 Jun 1774 at Sherbourne. The timing is right, and K. Mathews also records the insolvency of a John Elliott there, in 1784. ............John Elliott, Thomas Clark, and Richard Bartlett, Weymouth merchant’s insolvent dividends.....London Chronicle.
Christchurch Gen Registry re: John Elliott's family.
- William born 17 Dec 1786. John could have been gone since Apr. 1786, being as the cake was already in the oven.
- Slade ledgers for purchases in Fogo, Nfld. slim for 1786, 87, 88, or 89.
- Benjamin, born 08 May 1789, means John most likely returned before 1788. Record on Slade at Fogo bears this out, yet a John was fined 20/Lbs in North Court of Twillingate 10 Oct. 1788, for Drunk and Contempt charges. Probably celebrating the end of his servitude 1786 - 1788, for two summers and 1 winter (2S1W). In any case John could have returned to England in time to impregnate his wife, Elizabeth.
- John was definitely back in Fogo 1790 & 1791, re purchases of 2 prs of shoes (90), and 2 prs of shoes (91). For sons Michael and John, now ten and seven years.
- Richard could have been conceived around October 1792, baptism being June 1793. Here again John could have returned to England in time for this to happen.
- Slade ledgers show no significant purchases again until Oct. 1796, from 1792 - 1795. Joshua born Sep 1795 certainly suggests John may have spent the winter of 1794/5 in England.
All of the suppositions serve only to help establish the fact that John of Christchurch, and John of Fogo are one and same, as Dr. K. Mathews indicated.Many Hypotheses’ can be derived from this:
- First, the relationship of John, Edmund (cousin), and Richard is assured.
- Second, John is the father of Richard, who incidentally was only 2 years old at immigration.
- Third, John is not the father of Edmund, but the cousin. It seems from all indications that Eleanor who gave birth to an illegitimate son in Christchurch 1776, named Edmund was the son of Richard and Eleanor Elliott. In 1795 it can be seen Edmund possibly an embarrassment to the family, would be looking for a new start and here is John and family moving to Nfld.
- Forth, safe to say all of John's children accompanied him to Nfld in 1795. (Some would return to England in later years), plus Edmund.
- Jenny 29 yrs married or dead
- Ann Holloway 17 yrs
- Michael 14 yrs returned
- Sarah 13 yrs
- John 11 yrs stayed in Nfld
- William 9 yrs
- Benjamin 6 yrs returned
- Richard 2 yrs stayed in Nfld
- Joshua baby
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